Goodbye Longfellow Road
helical scan open-reel videotape unknown Unknown 1977 40:00

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Summary: Documentary telling the story of a London street, showing poor housing conditions and corruption in local government. Made by Yorkshire Television and transmitted on 08 Mar1977
Title number: 15628
LSA ID: LSA/18682
Description: Documentary telling the story of a London street, showing poor housing conditions and corruption in local government. Made by Yorkshire Television and transmitted on 08 Mar1977
Credits: Willis, John (Director)
Further information: We can’t make Goodbye Longfellow Road publicly viewable on our website due to copyright reasons, as it was made by and the rights sit with Yorkshire Television. Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives have a copy on a DVD, which you can make an appointment to view onsite at their archives. You can make an appointment by emailing and the reference number for the film is LC10517.