Everybodys London
16mm film Colour Sound Unknown 25:00

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Summary: The growth of London and its problems over the centuries is briefly described together with a short outline of the various local government bodies set up to deal with those problems.
Title number: 15500
LSA ID: LSA/18537
Description: In 1965 the Greater London Council was created and the film illustrates the responsibilities of the council, eg. Main roads, traffic management, fire and ambulance services, main drainage, sewage treatment, refuse disposal, cultural activities, etc, and its approach to the problems of London at that time. It also outlines the reason for the Greater London Development Plan with its interrelated policies for London's future. Made by Gerald Holdsworth for the GLC. Produced by Gerald Holdsworth and narrated by Simon Oates.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.