Help to Build a Home
35mm film negative unknown Unknown 1920 0:00

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Summary: Titled 'Help to Build a Home' the original of this film was released in 1920 and is an animated film sponsored by the London County Council to promote the purchase of housing bonds by Londoners.
Title number: 15271
LSA ID: LSA/18274
Description: The film shows an animated line drawing of a house which is completed with 6% Housing Bond coupons building up in the manner of bricks. Animated intertitles exhort Londoners to do their duty towards their neighbours and buy 6% London Housing Bonds: Intertitles include: 'Help to build a home in this district. Each brick counts, each tile helps and each 6% London Housing Bond sold in this district aids in solving the housing shortage.'. 'There can be no resettlement without more houses and no new houses without money. Therefore do your duty towards your neighbour and buy 6% London Housing Bonds. Issued and Guaranteed by the London County Council.'. 'The War was a proof of Patriotism. The Housing Bonds campaign is a test of Citizenship. London's welfare is linked with England's destiny. England's destiny is linked with England's homes.'
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.