From Cradle to Citizenship: British Children for the Dominion's Needs
16mm film Black & White Sound c. 1918 10:35

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Summary: Film showing different aspects of the work of Barnardo's children's homes.
Title number: 10755
LSA ID: LSA/13665
Description: Opening caption 'what Bernardo homes are doing for the empire.' Shots of 'poor' East End children and parents; tracking shot down Stepney Causeway; William Baker handing prizes to disabled boys; views from roof of hospital; baby in cradle; baby weighed; baby fed. Babies Castle; toddlers' mealtime; nurse pours out milk. GVH; Founders Day celebrations. RCNS; boy plays Reveille; boys get out of bed; march down to the beach carrying Union Jack. GVH; Founders Day parade; pipers band; brass band; etc. Label states 'promotional film for Canada.'