Dr Barnardo's Homes in Scotland: Part 1
16mm film Colour Sound 1949 17:00

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Summary: First part of a film showing activities at different Barnardo's homes in Scotland.
Title number: 10740
LSA ID: LSA/13650
Description: Balcary (RESM); pan of building; children in garden; pet donkey; paddling in local river; mealtime; older girl highland dancing; writing letter; cleaning teeth; ready for bed. Tyneholm House (RESB); view of house; pet donkey; goat and dog; football; cricket; mowing the lawn; homework; reading; snooker; table tennis; draughts. Comlongon Castle (RESN); staff and children in garden; triplets; home group shot. Haldane House (RESN); on holiday; paddling in the sea; returning home by coach; mealtime; bedtime; climbing frame; in the flower garden.