Dr Barnardo's Homes in Scotland: Part 2
16mm film Colour Sound 1949 14:40

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Summary: Second part of a film showing activities at different Barnardo's homes in Scotland.
Title number: 10727
LSA ID: LSA/13637
Description: Ravelrigh House Balerno; pan of building; mealtime exterior; nurses and children walk through garden; bathtime; bedtime. (RESN) Fostering; welfare officer visits foster home. Blackford Brae Edinburgh (RESM); children in garden; playroom activities; kitchen; dressing up; on holiday at Glasclune; down to the beach; in the sea; family groups. Glasclune North Berwich (RESM); Girl Guides go to camp; camping scenes; al fresco mealtime; lowering the flag at the end of camp.