Dr Barnardo's Homes in Northern Ireland
16mm film Colour Sound 1950 17:10

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Summary: Film showing the daily life of children at various children's homes in Northern Ireland.
Title number: 10724
LSA ID: LSA/13634
Description: Official opening of Macedon (RESM); opened by Sir Basil Brooke; VIPs tour the grounds and meet staff and children; house officially opened; visitors tour house; mealtime; up stairs to bed (bedtime); dormitory swimming in the lough; washing and showering; board games; jigsaw puzzle; reading; homework; Guides; Boys' Brigade; Scouts. Fostering (FOS); welfare officer visits foster home; meets children; examines teeth; drives off in car. The Manor House Ballycastle (RESM); official opening by the Rt Hon V McLeery; VIPs tour grounds; dancing on the lawn.