Kingston Heritage Service
Our collection is a small but varied collection of films relating to the borough and to Eadweard Muybridge, photographic pioneer, who was born and died in Kingston although his working life was spent in the USA. The local films include a 1st World War recruiting film, the 1951 Three Towns Pageant at Hampton Court, Royal visits to the borough and various civic occasions.

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Kingston History Centre and Kingston Museum together collect, care for, interpret and promote the heritage of the London Borough of Kingston upon Thames. The History Centre looks after unique historical resources which tell over 800 years of history, comprising records of the London Borough of Kingston upon Thames and its predecessor bodies, as well as collections relating to local institutions, businesses, organisations and individuals. Material available includes books, maps, photographs, directories, newspapers and archival collections. While much material is available onsite, our archive collections need to be ordered in advance from offsite storage. Please check our website www.kingston.gov.uk/history for further details or email us on local.history@kingston.gov.uk if you are unsure.
Kingston History Centre, The Guildhall, High Street, Kingston, KT1 1EU
Website: www.kingstonheritage.org.uk/Email: local.history@kingston.gov.uk
Phone: 020 8547 6768
Access: Where DVD copies of films are available, these can be viewed in Kingston History Centre. We are open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10am to 5pm and Thursday 10am to 7pm.
We collect moving image material in all formats of the borough and of people and events directly related to the borough.