Bruce Castle Museum
Our collection includes film from the 1930s. Mostly we have post-war official coverage of local school sports days and other local authority events. There is a modest amount of amateur footage largely without sound.

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A Grade I sixteenth century manor house set in 20m acres of parkland. Since 1906 the building houses local history collections relating to the London Borough of Haringey, and is also the home to the borough Archives & Local History service.
Lordship Lane
N17 8NU
Website: www.haringey.gov.uk/brucecastlemuseum
Email: museum.services@haringey.gov.uk
Phone: 020 8808 8772
Access: Access by prior appointment only. Telephone the Museum & Archive Service on 020 8808 8772. Email: museum.services@haringey.gov.uk
Bruce Castle Museum's collecting activities identify perceived gaps and strengths in the existing collections and address community-defined priorities. We aim to give direction to collecting and to ensure the use of newly acquired material, the collecting policy draws on Bruce Castle Museum's mission statement and aims.
A Haringey of almost 40 years ago contemplates its future in a rediscovered documentary. What a gem!